beecrowd | 2756

Output 10

By Roberto A. Costa Jr, UNIFEI BR Brazil

Timelimit: 1

Your programming teacher would like you to do a program with the following characteristics:

  1. Put seven blanks and put the 'A' character;
  2. Put six blanks and place the character 'B', a space and the character 'B';
  3. Put five blanks and place the 'C' character, three white space, and the 'C' character;
  4. Put four blanks and place the 'D' character, five white space, and the 'D' character;
  5. Put three blanks and put the 'E' character, seven white space and the 'E' character;
  6. Repeat procedure 4;
  7. Repeat procedure 3;
  8. Repeat procedure 2;
  9. Repeat procedure 1.


There is not.


The result of your program should be written according to the output example.

Input Sample Output Sample
      B B
     C   C	  
    D     D
   E       E
    D     D
     C   C
      B B